Friday, November 23, 2007


  The man behind the counter keeps moving his lips, but the words seem to elude Victor.He stares blankly into the man's eyes while his mind is being invaded by panic and uncertainty.Could he suspect him of something?Can this be traced back to him?Shouldn't he have bought it on the streets?Is he really going to go through with it?Is this what he is to become?
  A loud "Mister!" wakes him from his daze.He looks at the man for a few seconds not realizing what he is doing there.Then he looks down on the counter and sees it.Small, heavy, shiny.He picks it up, opens the barrel takes a long look, then utters something about bullets.
  He picks up the small box and the gun, slides some bills on the counter and heads to the door.He stops in front of it, takes a good look at the gun then glances at the clerk.The man is rearranging some rifles on a shelf.Victor opens the door and heads for his car.
  Inside, he opens the glove compartment, throws the newly aquired items inside then, with an absent look on his face puts the car into drive and heads for the town exit.

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