Friday, September 28, 2007


  The small town seems deserted as he drives around, looking for a place to warm himself up.The moon hides behind clouds and the light shone by the few lampposts that decorate the main street barely keeps the dark at bay.Up ahead, in the distance he hears the sound of what seems to be country music and, as he drives up to the building he realizes it's a small bar, contributing to the nightlife of this quiet mountain town.
  After parking nearby, he stands still, staring into the darkness ahead, before opening the glove compartment and checking if it's still there.As he walks toward the bar he shivers from the cold and a certain feeling of unease settles in.
  Inside, the music plays in the background, a wailing voice to a guitar, and the few people spending their evening in the establishment turn their heads and gawk at the new arrival.He walks over to the bar and asks for a beer.The bartender gives him an ominous look, before handing him the bottle, yet he asks no questions.
  Victor takes a sip of the cold, bitter liquid and slowly starts realizing what he is to do the next day.Suddenly the feeling that he is being watched envelops him.He can hardly refrain himself from looking around.The beer barely goes down as he sneaks a peek at the only other person at the counter.A decrepit old man who seems on the verge of unconsciousness.Gazing blankly at the bottle in front of him, Victor mumbles something to himself.A moment later he stands up, throws a couple of dollars on the counter and exits hastily.
  Inside the car he drops his head on the wheel, taking slow, deep breaths.With his eyes closed, he opens the glove compartment again, feeling his way around, until he touches the cold metal.He lifts his head, looking straight forward and starts the car.

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